Pro-Flex Administrators: Save on Spring Break Essentials!

As March gives way to April, it is officially spring and before you know it, your kids will be home from school for their annual spring break. This is typically a very busy week for most families, as they are beginning to enjoy the great outdoors, taking vacations and generally enjoying everything the new season has to offer.

Before spring break arrives, make sure you are prepared for everything the week has in store! Here are a few smart Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and Health Savings Account (HSA) eligible purchases to make before spring break!

1. Sunscreen (Broad Spectrum, SPF 15+)

While the sun’s rays can be dangerous at any time of year, with the longer daytime hours and increased amount of time outdoors this spring, sun protection should be a major priority. Sunscreen is an FSA/HSA eligible expense provided that is SPF 15+ and broad spectrum, and products such as sun protection lip balm and children’s sunscreen are great options that can protect your family all day long.

2. Acupressure Wrist Bands

Kids are far more likely to get car sick than adults, so if you’ll be traveling during spring break with your family, be sure to pick up a few acupuncture wrist bands for your kids to wear along the way. These drug-free bands that are worn around the wrists provide light pressure to “acupoints” along the wrists that can help to reduce the likelihood of motion sickness.

3. Bandages

With all of the time your kids will be spending outdoors this spring break, there’s a good chance a few bumps and bruises will happen along the way. If you have FSA/HSA funds to spare, pick up a box of Band Aids for the whole family. This will allow you to quickly respond in the event of an emergency and every home with small children should be fully stocked with first aid supplies!

4. Saline Spray

Spring also hails the arrival of allergy season, and whether you’re outdoors or your home’s windows are open, pollen levels can trigger a wealth of allergic reactions. Saline sprays are a must-have during allergy season, as they can clear out the nasal passages of allergens, mucus and other irritants to help you and your loved ones breath clearly all season long.

We hope you enjoy all of the events this season has to offer! As always, you can count on Pro-Flex for all of your administrative needs.

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